The General Assembly of North Drilling Company was held in Oil Industry Research Institute

The annual ordinary general assembly of North Drilling Company ending on March 19, 2024 with the attendance of 56% of the shareholders.

According to Sina Energy Group public relations, the annual ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of North Drilling Company was held in the conference hall of the Oil Industry Research Institute.
At the beginning of this meeting, Alireza Salmanzadeh presented the board of directors report for the financial year ending on March 19, 2024 and achievements of this company in the past year.
He also pointed to the assets of Northern Drilling and said: company has 9 land drilling rigs, 2 floating rigs and 3 jack-up rigs, which has made it the largest non-governmental company active in the upstream of the country’s oil and gas industry.
Salmanzadeh went on to discuss the latest status of drilling projects in the north and added: We are looking to finish the project as soon as possible in the Maroon project, and in the Golkhari project, 3 wells have been made and delivered to the National Oil Company.
The CEO of North Drilling Company called the contract with MAPNA and the activity in Khangiran, which ends in November of this year, among other projects of this company and explained: Also, the Sahar 2 drilling platform is working under the contract with the Falat Ghareh Company, and this contract will continue for the next two years.
He stated: Sahar 1 offshore rig, which has been operating continuously for 13 years in joint oil and gas fields, is currently being renovated and overhauled at ISOICO, which we hope will be completed in the next two months.
Salmanzadeh also mentioned the drilling operation of South Pars common field and said: This project is a 308 million euro worth project which will be done in the form of drilling and completion of 9 infill wells.
The CEO of North Drilling went on to explain the other projects of this company and said: North Drilling Company signed a 650 million euro contract last year.

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